Presenter: Dr. Damiete Lawrence, Afrocentric Strategy and Innovation expert. Presentation: The impact of Digital Technology on Healthcare delivery in Africa Presenter: Itiafa Akerejola, AML Compliance Analyst | Digital Afrocentric Enthusiast, Presentation : Afrocentric healthcare and Finance AML ConsiderationsPresenter: Pharm. Margaret Wonah. CEO: The Diabetes Care Network, Presentation : Context-Specific Factors Enhancing The Use Of Digital Solutions/Tech In T2DM Management In Nigeria Presenter : Hilda Owii, PhD Student, Presentation: Understanding the Meanings and Anticipation of Long Term Care among Older Adults and their Families in an Urban Slum in Nairobi, KenyaPresenter : Saka Abiola, Doctoral candidate, Presentation: A multimodal machine learning framework for psychosis prediction: Sleep and Behavioral approach
Dr. Caylee Cook, Presentation: Mazi Umntanakho: A Digital Tool for Social Emotional
Development and Mental health of young children