Dr. Caylee Cook, Presentation: Mazi Umntanakho: A Digital Tool for Social Emotional
Development and Mental health of young children
Dr. Caylee Cook, Presentation: Mazi Umntanakho: A Digital Tool for Social Emotional
Development and Mental health of young children
1. Hilda Owii, PhD Student:
2. Dr. Damiete Lawrence
3. Pharm. Margaret Wonah
4. Dr. Caylee Cook
5. Saka Abiola
6. Tim Arueyingho
1. 10th JULY 2023 : Call for participation advertised widely
2. 25th AUGUST 2023: Submission deadline for authors
2. 15th SEPTEMBER 2023 : Submission deadline
3. 8th SEPTEMBER 2023: Notification of acceptance
3. 22nd SEPTEMBER 2023: Notification of acceptance
4. 18th SEPTEMBER 2023: Camera-ready papers/other submissions due
4. 29th SEPTEMBER 2023: Camera-ready papers/other submissions due
5. 14th OCTOBER 2023: Workshop
Tentative Workshop Schedule
1. Introduction by Pharm. Tim Arueyingho: 5 minutes
2. Opening Keynote by Professor Nicola Bidwell: 10 minutes
3. Lightning talks A:
– Dr. Caylee Cook (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa): 10 minutes
Mazi Umntanakho: A Digital Tool for Social Emotional Development And Mental Health Of Young Children
– Pharm. Margaret Wonah (The Diabetes care Network/Zipline Africa): 10 minutes
Context-Specific Factors Enhancing the Use Of Digital Solutions/Tech In T2dm Management In Nigeria
– Saka Abiola, BSc., MSc. (University of Bristol): 10 minutes
A multi-modal machine learning framework for psychosis prediction in an Afrocentric context: sleep and behavioural approach
4. Online break: 15 minutes
5. Lightning talks B:
– Dr. Damiete Lawrence (Cinfores Nigeria): 10 minutes
The Impact of Digitial Technology On Healthcare Delivery In Africa
– Ipoto Itiafa Akerejola, BSc., MSc., CAMS (Amazon UK): 10 minutes
Afrocentric Healthcare and Finance AML Considerations
– Hilda Owii, BSc, MSc. (African Population and Health Research Center): 10 minutes
Understanding the meanings and Anticipation of Long Term Care among Older Adults and their Families in an Urban Slum in Nairobi, Kenya
6. Panel discussion: 30 minutes [Facilitator: Dr. Amid Ayobi]
[Professor Anicia Peters, Dr. Makuochi Samuel, Assoc.Prof. Oussamma Metatla, Dr. Hadiza Ismaila, and Dr. Jacki O’Neill]
7. Question and Answer session: 10 minutes
8. Closing Keynote by Rockefeller Zimba (NHS, UK): 10 minutes
Oritsetimeyin Arueyingho is a doctoral candidate in Digital Health at the University of Bristol. His academic backgrounds are pharmacy and healthcare management, and his research is centered on Afrocentric approaches to Type 2 Diabetes Management in Nigeria. He utilizes pragmatic mixed research methods to understand the influence of contextualization in collaborative care and how it could impact the design of digital interventions.
Nicola J. Bidwell is a Digital Ethics Lead at Melbourne University, University Fellow at Charles Darwin University, Australia and Adjunct Professor at the International University of Management, Namibia. Her expertise includes community-based action research for technology design in the global south. She has worked with rural inhabitants of Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa. Her research has designed and informed successful tech initiatives and advocacy, and is sensitive to gender and local perspectives.
Anicia Peters is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST) of Namibia. She previously held the position of Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Development at the University of Namibia, and was also the Chairperson of the Namibia Presidential Task Force on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. She co-authored the Namibian e-health strategy under a consultancy with the World Health Organisation, and also developed associated e-health platforms as per the strategy.
Jacki O’Neill is the Director of Microsoft Africa Research Institute. Her research is focused on developing innovative technologies using ethnographic methods. She has made significant contributions to HCI theory, concepts and models in Africa.
Oussama Metatla is a Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Bristol. His academic and research vocation are to explore afrocentric approaches to design and care alongside demonstrating how HCI as an applied field of inquiry can contribute to making human society more inclusive of people with disabilities. He is also particularly interested in utilizing mixed method approaches to HCI research, combining theory with field work, co-design, and controlled studies and evaluation.
Amid Ayobi is a Digital Health Lecturer at University College London and is part of the UCL Interaction Centre. His research is centered on informing the design of supportive digital health technologies and investigating the lived experiences of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Makuochi Samuel Nkwo is a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Greenwich UK, and an Associate Research Fellow in the Persuasive Computing Lab, at Dalhousie University Canada. He specializes in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Persuasive Designs, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics. He has made significant contributions to HCI for development in African countries.
Rockefeller Zimba is the head of Integrated complex care at the NHS Northwest London Clinical Commissioning Group (NWL CCG) and clinical expert in NHS England. He has made significant input in facilitating the provision of care in the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.
Damiete Onyema Lawrence is a Business Development Team Lead at Cinfores ltd., Nigeria. He holds a PhD in Business Policy from Rivers State University. His background spans across Management Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Business policy. He investigated the Impact of HCI on users in Higher Educational Systems and has conducted significant research focused on achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using afrocentric approaches.
Hadiza Ismaila is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at University College London. Her background is in software engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. Her research interests lie at the intersection of HCI for development and public health. She is particularly interested in designing and evaluating digital health interventions for resource-constrained communities.
Hilda Owii is a PhD student in Social Policy at the University of Bristol. At the Perivoli Africa Research Centre, she forms part of a multi-disciplinary team to work, and build her doctoral thesis, on a research and policy engagement programme, ‘Care Work and Economy Africa: toward transformative care systems and economies to harness Africa’s demographic transition’. This chimes with her keen research interest long term care provision and receipt in sub-Saharan Africa, its dynamics, impacts, and interaction with culture.
Saka Abiola Monsur is a Digital Health PhD student at the University of Bristol. He has a background in Computer Science and has worked as an assistant lecturer at Nile University, Nigeria. His thesis was on a Mobile Based Digital Image Analysis for Cervical Cancer Detection. His work sought to contribute to improving the early detection of cervical cancer, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where the high cost of testing and shortage of health workers lead to late diagnosis and poor prognosis.
This workshop explores the implications of existing collaborative care structures and cultures for technology, as well as near future Afrocentric approaches to collaborative care. This workshop will be held online in conjunction with ACM CSCW 2023 in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
The importance of collaborative care in Africa cannot be over emphasized, and for this reason, it is important to bring together CSCW and HCI researchers working in this context to discuss current and future collaborative technology trends. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Telemedicine, genomics etc., have resulted in a variety of digital health and care interventions which are permeating the African continent. The African context has different implications for the success of any technology interventions, and there are significant differences between countries and regions that are often overlooked in western-focused approaches to innovation and research in CSCW and HCI. This workshop will take a decolonized perspective with the intention of exploring past, current and future research on participatory and context specific interventions that are unique to lived experiences of health and care on the African continent.
This workshop will bring together researchers working on digital health and care projects in Africa to discuss. Together we will highlight existing challenges in technology enabled collaborative care, differentiate them from established challenges in the Global North and identify design opportunities. This workshop will contribute to the growing attention shown to the African continent in CSCW and HCI research more broadly. As it is important to allow for hybrid participation to encourage involvement beyond those who can travel to CSCW, the workshop will be hosted online using an accessible video-conference platform that will encourage and support engagement in the form of chats, breakout rooms and live captions.
Interested participants from academia should make two-to-four-page submissions in ACM CHI format that report on work-in-progress, position papers, or reflections on past research on collaborative care in Africa. These papers will be assessed on their appropriateness to the workshop call, their alignment with the workshop themes and their potential to provoke discussion at the workshop. They will be juried by the organisers of the workshop. Other participants such as clinicians or Digital Health enthusiasts will be encouraged to submit reports, posters, or short 90 second videos with their tailored biographies. We are open to multi-presentation formats.
Please use the following link to access the templates:
LaTeX authors need to use the template which is available here , and insert the acmsmall call.
Overleaf authors need to use the template here , and use the acmsmall call.
Note: In preparing revisions, authors should continue using the template they had used for their original submissions.
No minimum or maximum length is imposed on papers. Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a paper relative to its length. Typical papers are under 10,000 words.
All submissions should be submitted to afrocentricareworkshop@gmail.com by 25th August AOE.
More information on the workshop can be found on the website: and more information on CSCW can be found here: